Monthly Archives: January 2022

Powerful break up spells that work immediately Spells to break up a couple.

A tool for your fishing

The Remedy for Desperation–Jesus!!! On the Basics of Believing page of this website, the link to a document titled “The Remedy for Desperation” takes you to a conversational style presentation of salvation and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. It is written so as to answer questions someone who knows nothing about God might ask, so it is more than just talking points. Thus, it is also a good review for staying “instant in season and out of season” (2 Timothy 4:2).

Do not fret – just fish! While writing this, I worried at first that it was too long, but as I kept praying, God led to even more Scriptures.  As I wrote, I finally saw my lack of faith in God as the Greatest Fisher of men and as the Lord of the harvest. I was reminded that our awesome God, Who created and sustains each of us, knows just what each human heart needs to hear when that heart turns toward Him. And our loving Creator is well able to guide each heart.  As a believer, I am commissioned to witness for the Lord as effectively as I can, but it is God Who does the work in human hearts, not me.  (I Corinthians 3:7)

I discerned that the enemy wanted to silence me through fear that the writing was not “good enough”. Ha! Another lie exposed! Another tactic of the enemy trodden underfoot! I will not catch a fish every time I go fishing, but I am certain that each and every time I speak about God I am planting or watering a seed and that my effort is productive for the kingdom (I Corinthians 3:6-8). God’s Word always, always, always has an effect, is useful, accomplishes what He pleases, and achieves the purpose for which He sends it (Isaiah 55:11, AMPC)

Use whatever tool God shows you. Regardless of what presentation of the Gospel you decide to have ready on your lips, the point is: be ready to share your faith!  If you do not have a tool of some sort ready, you will stand, unproductive, beside rivers teeming with fish and you will walk, empty-handed, through fields ripe with grain. Beloved, have you prepared yourself to fish? Have you prepared yourself to feed His sheep? Have you placed your all, your best effort, into the Master’s hand?

Encourage yourself – with confident hope and expectation! Be confident and certain that God will guide every step as you prepare yourself. Be equally certain that He delights in what you are doing.

The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and] He busies Himself with his every step. (Psalm 37:23, AMPC.)

One last encouraging thought: little is much when we place it in the Master’s hand. Read the lyrics to “Ordinary People” by Mom Winans at the link below and be encouraged!