What’s on this page and what does it cost? Full-length books, short books, and pamphlets. You decide the price. If you can pay something, please do. If not, download what interests you and be blessed!
> Undepressed – How God’s Word Can Heal Your Heart
> Unjealous Heart
> Carols for Consecration: Beloved Truths for Singing to Melodies of Beloved Carols
> NEW – God’s Arsenal for Peace and Security
Children’s Books:
> When People Get Sick
> There Once Was a Cat
> Diligent Bible Study
> Diligent Meditation
> What is God Telling You to Do?
> Afflicted by an Itch – for My Good!
Undepressed: How God’s Word Can Heal Your Heart is the true story of how studying and meditating on God’s Word healed depression, when nothing else worked. This full-length novel interweaves narrative and explanation of Bible principles.
Isaiah 30 teaches that we rebel against God when we love or rely on anything more than Him. Eventually, what we lean on starts destroying us. However, God eagerly watches, longing to be good to us. When we return to Him, God gives us joy and overcoming strength.
Each chapter begins with a summary page of the main story points and Bible truths covered in that chapter.
This book shows how to use God’s Word to heal your heart, regardless of your problem, and walk closer to Him. My sincere prayer is that God uses it to speak to you, personally, in ways only He knows you need. He really, really loves you!
Carols for Consecration: Beloved Truths for Singing to the Melodies of Beloved Carols. Can you hum “Silent Night”? How about “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”? If so, this collection of new verses for 16 beloved Christmas carols is for you. Each verse, based on Bible concepts, focuses on drawing closer to God. May these singable truths bring you into the presence of our loving Father in heaven all year long.
Diligent Bible Study. An 18-page booklet showing why and how we all must study God’s Word carefully, thoroughly, and thoughtfully. Click the link below.
Diligent Meditation. A 17-page booklet explaining what diligent meditation is and how to do it. Diligent meditation healed my heart and renewed my mind. Won’t you give it a try?
What is God Telling You to Do? A seven-page pamphlet:
> showing where you can get truthful news, from a Christian world-view,
>explaining how God is speaking to His followers today, and
>showing you what you need to be doing for God – now!
Afflicted by an Itch – for My Good! A short story showing how God uses a physical ailment as a loving prod toward more diligent use of His Word.
The Remedy for Desperation – how to let God work in your desperate situation