Christian Values and Goal Setting
My personality type constantly plans and sets goals, sometimes to excess, I admit. Below are two good links about making goals and plans. My two main goals for 2016 are to be more grateful and to trust God more. (Along with trusting God, of course, goes worrying less!) I encourage myself often by remembering that nothing is impossible with God. As Proverbs 16:3 says “Commit to the LORD whatever you do and your plans will succeed (New International Version.)
This fist link regarding goals is entitled “Personal Goal Setting: Planning to Live Your Life Your Way.” Although this webpage is not about setting goals as a Christ follower, you can adapt it for goals related to your life with God.
The next link entitled “Five Tips for Setting Christian Goals” focuses specifically on spiritual goals. I found it personally highly useful and thought-provoking.
And Have Fun Planning and Anticipating!
If you have ever watched the amazing things dogs do during obstacle course competition, one thing is clear: the dogs are having a great time – doing what they are meant to do. We, too, are made to be overcomers. Let’s enjoy the journey!
Trusting God
Dear Father in heaven,
I ask that You would graciously guide each of us, as You promise in James 1. As we trust You, give us wisdom in setting goals for the next year. Help us not to get caught up in the process or start depending upon ourselves. Rather, keep reminding us that You are in charge of our lives and that You have everything in control. All we need to do is serve you with our whole heart, and soul and mind and trust You for the results. We love You, Jesus!”