At first glance, serious health scares are just plain bad. Yet mine has been a great blessing . . . because it clarified priorities.
Now in my early sixties, I’ve lived super healthy since my Dad’s fatal heart attack in 1986 and my Mom’s early strokes soon after. Last March, a cardiologist explained three fairly serious issues with my heart. I stared, unseeing, at the yellow legal pad in my lap, unable to ask the questions I’d prepared. Could the sterile white walls and glinting chrome in my doctor’s office soon be replaced with the even starker sterility of a hospital room, pungent with antiseptics?
Later, the gifted counselor I see monthly to prevent the return of depression suggested that I ask, “What would I do if I knew I had six months to live?” She had asked herself that question after her own health scare wake-up call.
So, what did I do? First, I made all my habits even healthier. Immediately!
Second, I began getting my affairs in order, starting long-delayed tasks such as letters to my loved ones and planning my own funeral.
Third, I pondered priorities for however long I remained on this earth, be it six months, six years, or whatever. Four clear goals emerged:
- improve my relationship with God
- live as healthy a lifestyle as possible
- invest more time in people and relationships
- resume the writing and blogging I had put on hold shortly before learning about the heart issues.
Yes, these had been my goals before but now. . .now I REALLY focused. My dear Heavenly Father led me by the hand with each goal, just as I hold my grandsons’ warm little hands to guide them and keep them close while we walk together. In the next few posts, I look forward to sharing the paths we have taken together.
May God richly bless you and yours,