This Arctic blast did not surprise God

Winter Storm Free Stock Photo - Public Domain PicturesThis Artic blast did not surprise God.  This current Artic blast has brought dangerously cold temperatures to much of the United States, including Texas. In situations that could cause fear, it is comforting to remember God’s omnipotence. Just do a search on your computer for “Scriptures about God’s omnipotence.” I also love to review Chapters 38 through 41 in the book of Job. Notice especially Job 38:22-23, when God asks Job:

“Have you entered the storehouses of the snow
or seen the storehouses of the hail,
 which I reserve for times of trouble,
for days of war and battle?

As Matthew 8:23-27 tell us, “even the winds and the waves obey” Jesus.

God foretold this Artic blast.  It is also comforting to know that God foretold this current weather. He did that through Hank Kunneman, a modern-day prophet. Watch the January 16, 2024, Flashpoint podcast, starting at about minute 41 to hear the prophecy.  Copy and paste the link below into a search engine.

A clip of the comments is also available on Rumble. Search Rumble for Flashpoint and the clip titled “Prophetic Word: Deep Freeze, Water, and Divine Change.”

Buchanan Dam. Texas. | Texas places, Texas hill country, Places to goPray for our dams and waterways.  Also on the same Flashpoint podcast, Dutch Sheets shared the need to pray for protection of our dams and waterways from terrorists. Curiously, Facebook declined to post Dutch’s “GiveHim15” podcast, but you can see Dutch’s comments at about minute 38 of the January 16 Flashpoint podcast, as well as on Rumble.

Will you pray? After hearing Dutch’s comments, I decided to pray for our nation’s waterways and dams, and particularly those in Texas, where I live. I was stunned when an internet search for a list of waterways and dams revealed that Texas has 7,000 dams, more than any other state. I printed a list of those dams and the waterways in Texas and I am “spreading it before the Lord,” as King Hezekiah did with a threatening letter he received from the wicked king of Assyria (2 Kings 19:14-19).

Will you join in praying for the protection of our nation, and in particular for our dams and waterways?

And be assured: “Whatever the LORD pleases, He does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and in all the ocean depths.” (Psalm 135:6, NASB).

Sea And Sky Free Stock Photo - Public Domain Pictures

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