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Powerful break up spells that work immediately Spells to break up a couple.

No matter how it seems

No matter how it feels, no matter how it seems

God has given grace to shatter Satan’s schemes.

No foe can fight against you, no enemy arise

That can stop God’s mighty warrior, eyes fixed upon the prize!

Press on! By grace, in faith, pursue!

Let God complete His work in you!

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No matter how it seems. When I wrote that 11 months ago, I thought my struggle with depression must surely be nearly over. However, I did not start climbing out of that pit for another nine agonizing months. I learned the truth of Isaiah 54:17: “But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper . . . “ I grappled under a dark and heavy cloud for many months. Although it seemed hopeless, God came through as I kept trying to do my part. I use the word try to emphasize that I usually did not feel I was succeeding.

No foe will succeed. During those months, Proverbs 2:7 reassured me: “He holds victory in store for the upright, He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for He guards the course of the just and protects the way of His faithful ones.” (NIV). Well, it did not feel like I was on my way to victory! But feelings and circumstances do not matter. What matters is truth. One blessed truth is:  God promises victory if we live upright, blameless lives. And if we press on!

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Fix your eyes on the prize! (Philippians 3:13-14) I did not understand why the darkness seemed to deepen but I held to the truth that God loved me, I kept seeking God for help, and, I did everything He showed me. With hindsight, I see that I was standing firm in the Lord and keeping my eyes focused on Jesus. (Please pause to ponder Philippians 3:1 – 4:1).

God will complete what He begins. The apostle Paul writes that he is thanking God for the believers at Philippi because he was “ . . . confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:3-6, NIV) That is another verse I white-knuckled. God repeats that thought in Psalm 57:2 “I cry out to God Most High, who fulfills His purpose for me.”

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Hold fast to His hand. Dear friend, no matter what you struggle with, hold fast to His truth and press on with your life, leaning your entire heart upon Him. His mercy and loving kindness are with us “. . . in proportion to our waiting and hoping for Him.” (Psalm 33:22, Amplified Classic)

Nearer Each Day to You. . . What More Do I Need, Lord?

At our monthly prayer team meeting tonight, we will sing the song at this link  One of the prayer team leaders, sent the link on Saturday, when I was struggling, again, with trusting God that I could actually do all the things successful authors  “have” to do today.

I had gotten up early, enjoyed a leisurely extra cup of coffee, pondering God and His ways and looking out the window at my little collection of plants on the porch and at the beautiful tree just beyond my porch.  I had a long to do list – work on revising my keywords for both blogs,  search the web for more information about publishing electronically, read and make notes on the three library books I have checked out on blogging and publishing. . . and on and on.

My beautiful view on Saturday mornings with the Lord
My beautiful view on Saturday mornings with the Lord

All I really wanted to do was write, all day long, like I did years ago, after Sharon grew up and before I returned to school.  But the folks who have successfully published multiple ebooks and who are making a profit by telling us all how to do the same, keep saying the same thing:   writers cannot just write anymore.  They have to work on their own publicity — use Facebook, Twitter, do public speaking engagements, use special marketing techniques to “drive” readers to your website, and on and on and on.

I doggedly worked on some of all that for three hours Saturday and then went for a short walk.  I was then so tired, in mind and body, that I accidentally napped for four hours and woke up just in time to watch the news.  Oh well, I thought.  I tried.

Later that night, just before I went to bed early so I could  get up Sunday morning to pray before services, I saw the email with the link to that song.  Trust finally broke through the fog.

Forgive me, Lord, for letting worry, and self effort, steal much of our joy together on this Saturday, the day You and I have together to write and think and just be together.  Lord, I will keep trying to do some of the things people are saying are necessary for a writer in today’s world.  But I am mainly going to just write, because I know that is my true calling from You.  I feel Your touch on my heart when we write. Thank You for that!

I am going to trust You to make my feeble efforts at publicity work because I simply do not have time to do a lot of that and be with my grandsons and also do the writing itself.  Even if only a few people ever read what You and I write together, I will have fulfilled the call You put on my life, so I will be very, very joyful about that.

Writing. . . a priceless gift from God
Writing. . . a priceless gift from God

Thank You once again, dear dear Father, for Your guidance and for showing me over so many years that I can trust You.  If this plan is wrong, then please show me.  But, regardless, Lord, thank You for this gift You have given.  Empower me to use it totally for Your Kingdom and for Your glory. I love You so much!