Powerful break up spells that work immediately https://www.diamondway-buddhism.org/news/break_up_spell_on_those_who_have_to_end_their_relationship.html Spells to break up a couple.

Are you ready to vote?

A quick reminder:  voter registration deadline is October 11. You still have a few days if you are not registered to vote.

And also – are you researching the candidates?  If you enter your address, www.ivoterguide.com will show a sample ballot, along with a rating ranging from very liberal to very conservative and other relevant information about each candidate.

I cannot recall the exact percentage but it is shocking how many professing Christians do not vote. We who believe in and follow God must vote and we must vote according to Bible-based values.  If believers do not vote, wicked rulers will continue to freely strut about and evil will continue to be praised in our land.  (Psalm 12:8).

Please do not stay home because you think the outcome will be rigged once again. Patriotic Americans will be watching the polls and the voting process this time.

I leave you to ponder–and be reassured by–Psalm 12. Voting our values is one way we can help stop the enemy from “stealing, killing and destroying” all that is good.

1 Help, O Lord, for the godly are fast disappearing!
    The faithful have vanished from the earth!
Neighbors lie to each other,
    speaking with flattering lips and deceitful hearts.
May the Lord cut off their flattering lips
    and silence their boastful tongues.
They say, “We will lie to our hearts’ content.
    Our lips are our own—who can stop us?”

The Lord replies, “I have seen violence done to the helpless,
    and I have heard the groans of the poor.
Now I will rise up to rescue them,
    as they have longed for me to do.”
The Lord’s promises are pure,
    like silver refined in a furnace,
    purified seven times over.
Therefore, Lord, we know you will protect the oppressed,
    preserving them forever from this lying generation,
even though the wicked strut about,
    and evil is praised throughout the land.

Please:   vote and vote Bible-based values!



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